lunes, 18 de abril de 2011


Transantiago system was a big change compared with the previous system, and it began with a lot of problems about the routs, the bus stop, etc. but to me it wasn`t that bad at all.
I started to travel by bus two years before the transantiago started,, in 2005 and I was 14 years old when I first travel by myself,and to me the system was really good, I had to take the bus in order to get to my school, in peñalolen, and not too many people went there in the peak hours, so the bus was always empty and I always took a seat when I got the bus, and we had to pay with coins, wich I liked more, because I used to say to the dirver "can you give me a ride for..." (less money than what it was the students rate, jaja)
Then, when the transantiago system started I went to school in other place, in bellavista, and I did not take buses anymore, my mom drove me in the mornings and in the afternoon I came back to my house using the subway, so I didn´t really have problems with it the transantiago.
I started to use more the buses in 2009 when I entered to the university, but then I used to study in republica, and it was two years after the system began so there were a lot of problems already resolved and most of the time I travel in the subways, because it was faster in the mornings. And when I was not in a hurry, I used to take the buses, and a thing that annoyed a lot, was that the trayect of the buses were changed, it confused me a little at first. other think is that I thougt (and I still think) that the short trayects (those with the buses of colours) are very unnecesary, the "troncales" are more useful. But then when I entered to this university to study vet I appreciated that, jaja, because now exists the bus 216!
And other thing new about transantiago, is that now we use the "bip" to pay wich I thinki that it`s a good idea. Another great idea was that you have two hours to change buses, or take the subway ( no more than 3 times) and you don´t have to pay again.
So, I think that transantiago was a very drastic change compared with the previous system, and we were not prepared to it yet in 2007, but I must recognize that it has improve a lot, and like everything it has good and bad things and the only thing that I would like to incorporate to the buses are curtains, like the all buses used to have, jaja, because the sun is very annoying and dangerous!

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