martes, 26 de abril de 2011

My Faculty

The Faculty of Veterinay is one of the many faculties of the University of Chile, and like all of them it has good things, and also bad things that needs to be improved.

My faculty is very far away from the rest, in La Pintana,  is very pretty and quiet, wich I think it`s a good think because that way it`s easier to concentrate, away from all the noise. Second, what I think that it`s really cool about the faculty is that we have something called "Mundo Granja" that it`s like our little farm with a lot of animals: horses, cows, sheeps, ducks and even ostriches!

BUT on the other hand, the faculty has a lot of thinks that, in my opinion, could be changed in order to make it a better place for all of us.
The first thing that I think that needs to be reevaluated is the curriculum (I know that now we have the new curriculum, so this might be hard to reevaluate) because we have too many subjects each semester and also we have to take electives, and I think that this is a big load on us, and it is more complicate to have good marks in every subject  and we don`t have all the time that we need (or wish). And I would like to have the oportuniy to make my own schedule, choosing  the teachers, the days, etc.
Another thing is the infrastructure, I think that we need better classrooms, with no flies! jaja, more computers (and good ones!), etc.
In third place I would like to have more electives, because we can`t make it to the electives in other faculties and then come back to La Pintana to classes! we need more sports, artistic elecives, that help us to relax and have fun doing them!
And last but no least are little things that doesn`t bother me that much right now, like the casino (that needs to be change completely!), more places to hag out like the "cuchitril", a better library (actually this is important!), more teachers, do something with all the dogs jaja, etc.

I think that all of those things, would help to improved our faculty and make it nicer to everyone!, would brought a lot of benefits for the students, teachers,and every person who works here :)

5 comentarios:

  1. I agree with you, often I can't do the things that I want do, and I hate when the people say "why you don't studied before?" BECAUSE I CAN'T!!!! :(

  2. hahahaha you did the thing with the names! You all look amazing in that picture! xD

  3. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  4. change the name to MY BITCHEEEES ! jjajajaj :P

  5. The Faculty of Veterinay is one of the many faculties of the University of Chile, and like all of them it has good things, and also bad things that needs to be improved.

    My faculty is very far away from the rest, in La Pintana, is very pretty and quiet, SP wich I think it`s a good SP think because that way it`s easier to concentrate, away from all the noise. Second, what I think that it`s really cool about the faculty is that we have something called "Mundo Granja" that it`s like our little farm with a lot of animals: horses, cows, WF sheeps, ducks and even ostriches!

    BUT on the other hand, the faculty has a lot of SP thinks that, in my opinion, could be changed in order to make it a better place for all of us.
    The first thing that I think that needs to be reevaluated is the curriculum (I know that now we have the new curriculum, so this might be hard to reevaluate) because we have too many subjects each semester and also we have to take electives, and I think that this is a big load on us, and it is more WF complicate to have good marks in every subject and we don`t have all the time that we need (or wish). And I would like to have the oportuniy to make my own schedule, choosing the teachers, the days, etc.
    Another thing is the infrastructure, I think that we need better classrooms, with no flies! jaja, more computers (and good ones!), etc.
    In third place I would like to have more electives, because we can`t WW make it to the electives in other faculties and then come back to La Pintana to classes! we need more sports, artistic elecives, that help us to relax and have fun doing them!
    And last but no least are little things that SVA doesn`t bother me that much right now, like the WW casino (that needs to be change completely!), more places to SP hag out like the "cuchitril", a better library (actually this is important!), more teachers, do something with all the dogs jaja, etc.

    I think that all of those things, would help to improved our faculty and make it nicer to everyone!, would WF brought a lot of benefits for the students, teachers,and every person who works here :)

    good! I agree you need more things. What do you mean by the dogs? or what do you suggest?
