martes, 24 de mayo de 2011

vet chalenges

Veterinary Medicine is one of the most difficults careers, with a lot of challenges that needs to be faced in order to succed an become good veterinarians.

First of all wich I think is one very importante challenged in my discipline is in the technology area, because there are not too many machines in clinics that are made for animals. actually, in the clinics they use human machines to take the exams and to mesure the constants of the animals (temperature, pressure, etc). It does not exist technology specially made for the animals.

The second area that I wanna tolk abut, is in the social-matter, because in Chile the animals have no rights because they are considered as things, and things have no rights because they don`t have duties. So they would never be taking seriuosly or be respected, unless you are an animal lover jaja, and you really care about them.
Another social matter related to the discipline, is that now there are a lot of veterinary faculties, from public and private univeristies, wich increases the number of profesionals in the field, it is more competitive and dificult to find a job, being minor clinic the most required job.

what can we do in order to solve this chalenges?
In the first case, what needs to be done, obviuosly, is to design the same machines used for humans, but for animals, machines that had the same function, but specially made for them, because animals are not like humans, they have a different anatomy, their bodies have different temperatures, they are smaller and more fragil than us.

And for the social matter, thats very hard to improve when ir comes to the animals rights.
But for the competition of jobs, we will have to prove that we are the best, that we come from a better univesity and that we are more prepared for the job than the others. This is something that we are the only ones that can solve it, for what I said before, that we have to show that we can do it and we are better than the competition.

1 comentario:

  1. I think that the problems you mention are very important, and the rights of animals need to be taken more seriously.
